School Support
Your progress and well-being are extremely important to us. If you encounter difficulties for any reason, it is important to make us aware of these as early as possible. Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness but of self-confidence and strength.
Module coordinator
The role of the module coordinator is to oversee all aspects of the module and please first refer any questions about a module to the relevant module coordinator. If for any reason you are having problems contacting or getting a response from a coordinator please feel free to contact (opens in a new window)
The School Office (Room C110A)
E-mail: (opens in a new window) Telephone: 01 716 8375
The School Office is an extremely important part of the School, it is the administrative hub of School activities. Office hours are Monday to Friday 10:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 16:00. The Undergraduate Administrator (Claire Gibney) will help with any questions regarding student administrative or organisational matters.